The problems caused by the generation gap – labelled with phrases like “Back in
the day...” and “Youngsters these days...” – have never been as meaningful as they
are nowadays. Globalisation and the virtual society created an absolutely new and
different generation. The basic and urgent question being whether the canine society
has realised it so far and is able to find the proper way to react.
Just imagine a World Dog Show or an IPO qualification utility trial in thirty years.
Meanwhile the catalogue is more than likely to be interactively accessed on your
tablet – also showing real-time results as a basic feature. The question occurs
whether those who are currently desperately seeking their place in the world - and
find it mostly on the World Wide Web - will be eager enough to participate in these
mentioned events at all!
Can we be sure enough that the generation connecting to the world via their smart
phones will feel the urge to become a part of the canine world at all? Can the coming
generation be motivated enough – including the heirs of worldwide-known kennels
and descendants of famous Utility or Agility dog handlers and trainers – to gain
success and achievement with their enthusiastic work and effort through decades,
instead of pushing “like” and checking the latest comments on their posts?
© Zsofcsin Jenő

The currently growing up generation – born between 1995 and 2009, and labelled “Z”
– even differs from the previous generation “Y”.
The completed globalisation process demolished all geographical boundaries and terminated
any kind of obstacles from free and fast information flaw. The digital society has
been forming totally new behaviour and identity of those who are going to fit into
the adult society in some years.
It is typical that the virtual reality is an integral and inseparable part of generation
“Z”, and that is the reason why these kids are also named as dotcom children. According
to current surveys, they are connected most of their times to the internet, gaining
and processing incredible amounts of information. Their knowledge is based on immediately
accessed, though doubtful and easily digestive information sources, instead of books.
They separate themselves from the outer world, considering it as a threatening scene
they have no influence on at all.
Most of their social interactions happen in the virtual world as well. Thus they
do not really learn to handle frustration of confronting situations, therefore they
keep themselves separated from real and personal interaction.
To sum up, they are more separated from reality, than any other generations before,
their long-term goals are not so clear, and they live their everyday-life in a world
that speeded up extremely.
In case of both breeding and training dogs, achievement in success takes extremely
more time and effort than posting a picture and collecting “likes”. Picture a future
where the generation is stuck in the virtual reality to gain self-justification
and assertiveness. Not too encouraging and real appalling.
The future existence of resupply for the following decades is determined now. In
case of defined and mature personalities it is almost impossible to achieve radical
improvement later. The very first phase is getting aware of the problem itself.
After facing it, we should start to communicate in a special way, addressed to this
generation. Finding the solution is a duty for not one man standing, but for society,
in this specific case, the doggy world.
For this generation, avoiding conflicts and failure is probably more important than
experiencing any sense of achievement. And it is essential to attempt to give a
hand in these inevitable situations. If things go wrong or do not turn out as had
planned, do not trigger actions or back out in an instance as they usually do: neglect,
reject or suspend the disturbing element at the virtual playground!
Enthusiasm is to be kept alive in these situations as well, and the capability and
method thereof must be guided and mentored.
As their communication tools are totally different from what we got used to, we
have to learn their language. We have to find the proper pedagogical method to establish
long-term and steady mentality which leads to enthusiasm, later forming dedication.
Basically, it is important to make it possible to gain success and permanent, positive
community-related experience, not in the virtual playground, but in pure reality.
The national canine organisations in many countries do not seem to pursue actions
as seriously as it would be necessary to handle this problem, which is ticking like
a bomb, getting closer to explosion. The communication strategies targeting this
generation effectively and in a motivating way are still missing or real barren.
Human psyche uses the gained knowledge in two opposite ways: on the one hand, it
remains locked up from the upcoming, more dynamic generation considered as a competitive
threat; on the other, you can hand over all the knowledge, and experience gathered
through the decades, and as a mentor, it is not threatening at all to acknowledge
that when something begins, there is an end point as well. And life still goes on.
This is the problem and duty of all canine organisations, breeders, Utility and
sport dog trainers: shrugging off whether someone is going to carry on the age-long
heritage of traditional cynology, taking the risk to see the whole process vanishing
into memory. Consequently, no one will find a trace of the canine world on facebook,
not even mentioning pushing a “like” on it...
Attila Márton
Executive Manager
Hungarian Kennel Club
Our friend Attila shared the contents of this article during the last meeting of
the think-tank group NCO-FCI Joint Communication Forum held in Helsinki,
in the framework of the World Dog Show 2014,. We recommend you to read it in paralell
with the article entitled FCI Youth: the next generation of the
FCI , since Attila raised our awareness of these concerns just after
the presentation of the FCI Youth initiative. It appears that great minds think
Thank you, Attila, for this questioning perspective !
Marie Luna Durán
FCI Marketing and Public Relations Manager